Upcoming events

    • 28 Feb 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Marriott Marquis

    Kosher Meal Orders for Shabbat


    All food during AFI's events will be provided by The Place Catering which is certified Glatt Kosher under the supervision of the Vaad Harabbanim San Diego.

    Kosher meals may be pre-ordered and picked up at the Marriott Maqruis Marina San Diego during the Friday Kiddush Reception.

    If you need to pick up your meals earlier please contact Crissy Zak at events@allergists4israel.org .

    Cut off date for ordering will be Monday 2/24 at 5pm ET

    DINNER OPTION #1: Boxed Shabbat Dinners - Each Box will Include:
    2 X Challah Rolls, Green Salad, Salmon Appetizer, Beef Minute Roast, Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans, Cake, Individual Bottle of Grape Juice
    PRICE PER BOX - $100

    DINNER OPTION #2: Boxed Shabbat Dinners - Each Box will Include:
    2 X Challah Rolls, Green Salad, Salmon Appetizer, CHOICE OF Chicken Pargit Steak OR Grilled Chicken Breast, Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans, Cake, Individual Bottle of Grape Juice
    PRICE PER BOX - $80

    SHABBAT LUNCH: Boxed Shabbat Lunches - Each Box with Include:
    2 X Challah Rolls, Chicken Schnitzel, CHOICE OF Egg Salad AND Tuna Salad OR Assorted Cold Cuts with Condiment Packets, Green Salad, Sweet Kugel, Brownies, Individual Bottle of Grape Juice
    PRICE PER BOX - $60

    • 28 Feb 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina

    AFI Kiddush Reception 

    Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina

    Room Location: Pacific 24

    Friday February 28, 2025 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm 

    Kosher catering will be provided

    • 2 Mar 2025
    • 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
    • San Diego Marriott Marquis Marina Ballroom E

    Click Here To Register Now!

    Program Title:

    Asthma Drivers of Disease: The Effects of IL-5 on Eosinophils and Other Cell Types That Contribute to Airway Remodeling and Disease Progression


    Dr. Thomas Casale

    Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics

    Director, Division of Allergy and Immunology Joy McCann Culverhouse Clinical Research Center University of South Florida.

    Thank you to our event sponsor:

    This program is limited to health care professionals (HCPs) only. Some state laws prohibit manufacturers from providing meals or transfers of value to HCPs.  Please do not accept any meal that violates the rules of states in which you are licensed to practice or the rules of your employer.  GSK complies with all state and federal laws including transparent reporting and disclosure of payments and transfers of value to HCPs.

    • 2 Mar 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • 200 Harbor Drive, Suit 120 San Diego, CA 92101

    While you're in San Diego for AAAAI, Allergists For Israel would like to invite you to our Annual Gala Dinner Celebration at the San Diego Wine & Culinary Center

    Join us for a presentation by our honored guest:

     Alan Dershowitz

    We are honored to welcome Alan Dershowitz as our keynote speaker for this year's Allergists for Israel Gala. Alan Dershowitz is a Brooklyn native who has been called 'the nation's most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer' and one of its 'most distinguished defenders of individual rights,' 'the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,' 'the top lawyer of last resort,' and 'America's most public Jewish defender.' He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 after clerking for Judge David Bazelon and Justice Arthur Goldberg.

    While he is known for defending clients such as Anatoly Sharansky, Claus von B'low, O.J. Simpson, Michael Milken and Mike Tyson, he continues to represent numerous indigent defendants and takes half of his cases pro bono. He is a vocal defender of civil liberties and the constitution.

    Dershowitz is the author of 40 works of fiction and non-fiction, including 7 bestsellers. His writing has been praised by Truman Capote, Saul Bellow, David Mamet, William Styron, Aharon Appelfeld, A.B. Yehoshua and Elie Wiesel. More than a million of his books have been sold worldwide, in numerous languages, and more than a million people have heard him lecture around the world.

    San Diego Wine & Culinary Center

     is 0.2 mile (5 minute walk) from the Marriott Marquis San Diego. 
    Parking is available at Five Star Parking at the corner of 2nd Avenue and J Street. Metered street parking is also available nearby, and free after 8pm. From the street, walk towards the Convention Center and take Martin Luther King Jr. Promenade to SDWCC.

    Kosher catering will be provided

    If you are unable to join us in person, please join us virtually using


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